At Blue Sky Systems we are committed to re-investing in our services to continue to provide the best IT solutions to our customers. In the last 12 months we have upgraded our internet connectivity to a resilient 10Gb to give our customers super fast speeds on their services.
In the coming months we are planning to have vGPU as standard - this allows for a richer graphical experience and higher resolutions for users. We will also upgrade Windows 10, like desktops (Servers 2016) to provide greater consistency between the virtual desktop look and feel and the one you are used to seeing.
Finally we will upgrade our storage to allow for higher performing storage and speed guarantees. After the upgrade you will be able to order pure SSD storage or pure SAS allowing more flexible charging with predictable performance.
These upgrades ensure that we provide our customers with an equally rich IT experience that they expect from a cloud service. We continue to provide a platform that remains true to our company ethos of delivering high performing flexible IT services with transparent and predictable costs which makes us different from the standard public cloud providers. We can now confidently say that we are more competitive than AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Azure (Microsoft) on the like-for-like packages that we offer, plus with Blue Sky Systems you get the added assurance of 24/7 dedicated support from our team.