
What's going on in the world of Blue Sky Systems

We are not always permitted to share the exact details of what we get up to on social media but more and more frequently our Directors Daniel and Jonathan are called upon to assist large enterprises with the IT issues that they simply can’t fix with their in-house team.

Their combined knowledge of intricate IT architecture was recently called upon by a well-known Water company who had exhausted the expertise of their in-house IT team and needed Blue Sky Systems to step in.

The entire business relies solely upon having a stable and resilient platform in order for all departments to function, from customer billing, water quality, to water supply and sewerage control. Jonathan and Daniel were able to do just that – they planned, executed and tested the new systems to ensure they were back up and running in no time.

If you run into similar issues, we can get you back up and running too. Get in touch with our team to find out more.