Truly Cloud

Data Sovereignty Simplicity & Reliability

Cloud computing has transformed the way organisations manage their IT infrastructure, offering flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency. 

What is Truly Cloud?

Truly Cloud is our private UK sovereignty platform, which we have created in a secure data centre within a military site. The platform was architected by our founding Directors and is underpinned by VMware's Hypervisor, allowing for seamless migration from your on-premise VMware platform to ours.

Public v Private Cloud - do you know the difference?

Two primary deployment models in cloud computing are private cloud and public cloud. These models cater to different needs, and understanding their differences is crucial when making decisions about your organisation's IT infrastructure.

Private Cloud such as Truly Cloud

Ownership and Control: Private clouds are infrastructure environments dedicated to a single organisation. They can be hosted on-premises or by a third-party provider, but the key aspect is that they are exclusively used by the organisation. This provides a high degree of control over security, compliance, and performance.

Security and Compliance: Private clouds offer a higher level of security and compliance customisation. This is particularly important for organisations dealing with sensitive data or stringent regulatory requirements, such as healthcare or financial institutions.

Cost: Setting up and maintaining a private cloud can be more expensive initially because it involves capital expenditure for hardware and infrastructure. However, in the long run, it can be more cost-effective for organisations with stable and predictable workloads.

Scalability: Private clouds are less flexible in terms of scalability compared to public clouds. Organisations need to provision resources based on their expected peak demand, which can result in under-utilised resources during off-peak periods.

Customisation: Private clouds allow for greater customisation of the infrastructure and software, enabling organisations to tailor their environments to specific needs and workflows.

Data Sovereignty: Keeping your data safe in the correct location.

Public Cloud such as Microsoft Azure and AWS

Ownership and Shared Resources: Public clouds are owned and operated by third-party cloud providers, like AWS, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud. These providers offer shared resources to multiple customers, providing a cost-effective solution for scalability.

Security and Compliance: While public clouds have robust security measures, they may not offer the same level of customisation and control as private clouds. Organisations with strict regulatory requirements may need to invest more in additional security measures.

Cost: Public clouds operate on a pay-as-you-go model, with no upfront capital expenses. This makes them ideal for startups and organisations with variable workloads. However, costs can escalate with increased usage.

Scalability: Public clouds are highly scalable, allowing organisations to scale resources up or down as needed. This elasticity makes them suitable for businesses with fluctuating demands.

Standardisation: Public clouds provide standardised services, which can simplify deployment and reduce management overhead. However, this may limit the level of customisation available.

Choosing the Right Cloud Model

The decision between a private cloud and a public cloud largely depends on an organisation's specific requirements and priorities. Some factors to consider include:

Data Sensitivity: If you handle sensitive data and require strict control, a private cloud may be the better choice.

Budget: Public clouds are often more cost-effective for businesses with variable workloads, while private clouds are better for organisations with stable, predictable workloads.

Regulatory Compliance: Organisations in highly regulated industries may lean toward private clouds to meet stringent compliance requirements.

Scalability: If your business experiences fluctuations in demand, a public cloud's scalability is an advantage.

Resource Customisation: Private clouds offer more customisation, whereas public clouds prioritise standardisation and ease of use.

Swiss Army Knife: Public clouds offer more API's with a larger toolbox. Leading larger organisations or developers to go towards the Public cloud for their offerings.

Data Sovereignty: If you have sensitive data keeping it with a non-American company whereby the hoster guarantees the data location

In some cases, a hybrid cloud approach, which combines elements of both private and public clouds, maybe the best solution to balance the specific needs of an organisation. Ultimately, the choice between private and public cloud should align with your business goals, workloads, and the resources at your disposal.

Why choose Truly Cloud?

Truly Cloud was designed to offer simplicity for our customers, such as;

  • Simple Billing - We provide simple billing to provide more accurate costings on a rolling month
  • Redundancy as standard - If our physical kits become unwell, your server will be moved to another host
  • Dedicated Support - You can call us and get the help you need
  • IT consultancy - Need help with migration ongoing support? We have engineers at hand to help
  • Unique SLA's for peace of mind
  • UK data sovereignty

Public Cloud can be a minefield of options, API's adding complexity to billing. For this reason, we offer a different service to the Public Cloud for people looking to move to the cloud but with a model that is much easier to budget for and where there is help at the end of the phone.

Our platform is not built on packages, allowing our offerings to be flexible. As such, instead of choosing a VM size with a set hardware assignment, you decide what you need.

Flexible RAM Allocation

Flexible vCPU Allocation

Flexible HDD Allocation

Software Defined Network

Portal Access

Take a look at how Truly Cloud differs from Public Cloud?

Our bespoke solutions mean we can offer more of the features you need as part of our overall service.



Infrastructure level SLA

Service uptime across all customer Services

Not included Not included

Resilience Hardware (N+1 Redundancy)

Additional Additional

Inter-Datacentre Resilient2

Outside UK Additional Additional

Virtual Desktops Offered2

Hardware GPU for Virtual Desktop2

AntiVirus for VMs inc

Additional Additional

End-user support

Additional Additional

Guaranteed Resources

Pre-buy Pre-buy

Fully Managed Service Option

Install directly from ISO any Supported x86 OS

Server Console Access

Individual User VDI

Flexible VM Resource Amends

Template Size Template Size

Support to migrate existing VMs to the cloud


Global Presence


  1. Comparison based on published website data from Cloud Providers February 2024.
  2. Based on UK datacentre location service availability.
  3. VMware on AWS and VMware on Azure have different limitations to those shown above.


What is Truly Cloud?
Truly cloud is just the name for our platform, just like Microsoft’s ‘Azure’. Cloud is only one string to our bow, however it is one of the most important. Truly Cloud was designed and architected in-house by our talented Technical Directors. They know the IT industry inside out and designed a platform that offers one of the most flexible tailored solutions available to small to medium businesses. You get an Enterprise level solution without having to have an Enterprise sized budget!
How can I migrate?
We use VMware Cloud Director with Cloud availability. This allows you to migrate from VMware with very little downtime and effort. If you are not using VMware there are other options that we have that our specialists can discuss.
Do you have any resource limits?
Due to using VMware ESXi, we can support the resources they do. We also have multi-tiered storage offering high-speed SSD or 10k SAS, depending on your needs.
How do I back up my servers?
You can use our backup service, Veeam, or 3rd party software to back up the servers to your on-premise NAS or cloud backup.
How quickly can I start?
Once we have created your tenancy (generally within 1 working day) you can start as soon as you are ready.