
What's going on in the world of Blue Sky Systems

In recent years, the cloud computing landscape has experienced a remarkable surge in popularity, with platforms like Microsoft Azure emerging as key players in the market. Azure offers a wide array of services and features, making it an attractive option for businesses seeking to modernize their IT infrastructure and leverage the scalability and flexibility of the cloud. However, despite its numerous benefits, Azure may not always be the optimal choice for every organization. Delving into some of the limitations and considerations businesses should consider when evaluating cloud providers.

  1. Cost Complexity: While Azure provides a pay-as-you-go pricing model, the cost structure can be complex and challenging to predict accurately. Businesses may encounter unexpected expenses due to factors such as data transfer fees, storage costs, and charges for premium support services. Without careful monitoring and optimization, organizations risk overspending on Azure resources, potentially leading to budgetary constraints and financial inefficiencies.

  2. Vendor Lock-In: Embracing Azure often entails committing to Microsoft's ecosystem of tools and services. While Azure offers integration with popular Microsoft products like Office 365 and Windows Server, this can also result in vendor lock-in, limiting the flexibility to migrate workloads to alternative cloud platforms or on-premise environments. Businesses should carefully weigh the long-term implications of vendor lock-in and consider strategies for mitigating dependency on a single provider.

  3. Geographic Limitations: Azure's global presence is extensive, with data centres in regions worldwide. However, specific geographic areas may have limited availability of Azure services or experience latency issues due to data centre proximity. Businesses operating in areas with fewer Azure data centres may encounter challenges in meeting regulatory compliance requirements or delivering optimal performance to end-users. Evaluating the geographic coverage and availability of Azure services is crucial for businesses with specific regional requirements.

  4. Learning Curve: Adopting Azure requires organizations to invest in training and upskilling their IT teams to manage and optimize cloud resources effectively. Azure's expansive suite of services and complex architecture can pose a steep learning curve for IT professionals, particularly those unfamiliar with Microsoft's cloud ecosystem. Businesses must allocate sufficient time and resources for training and education to maximize the value of their Azure investments and avoid potential operational challenges.

  5. Service Outages and Reliability: Like any cloud platform, Azure is susceptible to service outages and downtime, disrupting business operations and impacting service availability. While Azure boasts a robust infrastructure and redundant data centres to minimize downtime, occasional service disruptions still occur due to software bugs, hardware failures, or cyberattacks. Businesses must implement comprehensive disaster recovery and contingency plans to mitigate the impact of Azure service disruptions and ensure business continuity. Also, not all their services come with an SLA that is acceptable to you.

  6. Security and Compliance Concerns: Maintaining data security and compliance is a top priority for businesses operating in regulated industries or handling sensitive information. While Azure offers robust security features and compliance certifications, businesses must implement appropriate security measures and controls to safeguard their data and meet regulatory requirements effectively. Additionally, businesses should conduct thorough risk assessments and due diligence to evaluate Azure's security posture and ensure alignment with their specific security and compliance needs.

In conclusion, while Azure offers a wealth of features and capabilities, it's essential for businesses to carefully evaluate their requirements, consider the potential limitations and challenges, and explore alternative cloud providers or deployment models that better align with their objectives. By adopting a strategic and informed approach to cloud adoption, businesses can maximize the value of their investments and achieve sustainable growth in an increasingly competitive digital landscape.

Microsoft Azure has many tools more than most SMB need. It’s got the global brand recognition, familiarity, and functionality to match, and it comes with all the bells and whistles you expect. Yet because of this, it doesn't mean it is the right choice for your business or workload. Evaluating your needs is always an important step, and size doesn't mean safety in choice.

Public cloud isn’t for everyone – there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution.  In fact, more businesses are finding that they need to use multiple cloud solutions to deliver what they need as there isn’t a ‘one-stop-cloud-shop’ that can do it all.  Whether you need on-premise, hybrid or multi-cloud, Blue Sky Systems can help you decide what’s right for you.

Did you know that private cloud providers can deliver key hosting solutions with predictable, transparent pricing, so there are no surprises at the end of the month? Check out our comparison chart below…


Infrastructure level SLA

Service uptime across all customer Services

Not included Not included

Resilience Hardware (N+1 Redundancy)

Additional Additional

Inter-Datacentre Resilient2

Outside UK Additional Additional

Virtual Desktops Offered2

Hardware GPU for Virtual Desktop2

End-user support

Additional Additional

Guaranteed Resources

Pre-buy Pre-buy

Fully Managed Service Option

Install directly from ISO any Supported x86 OS

Server Console Access

Flexible VM Resource Amends

Template Size Template Size

Support to migrate existing VMs to the cloud



  1. Comparison based on published website data from Cloud Providers February 2024.
  2. Based on UK datacentre location service availability.
  3. VMware on AWS and VMware on Azure have different limitations to those shown above.