Forbes recently announced that following a survey of 500 businesses, 93% noted a significant gap in IT skills, hampering their ability to drive innovation and efficiency.
“A significant 42% of these businesses say the problem is due to the fast pace of technological advancements. Many aspects of technology, from artificial intelligence (AI) to data analytics and cloud computing, are rapidly evolving, contributing to the challenge.”
One source noted 55,000 unfilled technology vacancies in May 2023 alone. The catalyst for this enormous gap in the market is down to a number of factors, however technological advancements in one of the big ones. Demand is seriously out-striping supply as the knowledge and expertise is simply much harder to recruit, not to mention the challenge of retaining your IT talent in such a competitive environment.
At Blue Sky Systems, we have noticed a shift in the way we support our clients while they navigate challenges within their IT, by carrying out more strategic planning, escalated support and back filling holidays.