WiFi has been around since the late 90’s but even with the latest hardware and fastest speeds, some businesses are still battling daily issues with signal strength and the reliability of their Wi-Fi, resulting in significant impact on how their business operates day to day.
However, we may have the answer…
Have you heard of a wireless site survey?
A wireless site survey is a sophisticated set of automated diagnostic tools that we use to quickly collect important data on how your wireless performs, highlighting areas of concern that businesses may never have even considered. One of the most important factors for gaining optimum service from your Wi-Fi is to strategically calculate the optimum locations to place your Access Points (AP’s).
Have you ever considered that the density of your buildings walls could be the problem? Or is there an area of your premises where you need to optimise wifi speeds versus other areas of your building or campus where the reliance on wifi isn’t as great?
All of these factors are taken into consideration when we conduct a wireless site survey. Typically these can be carried out over a single day (we recently did one for a customer with 13 floors in a single day) or over a couple of days if you have an expansive campus. The role of the site survey is to eliminate the guess work and generate a suite of reports that look at signal strength, channel overlaps, interference, noise levels, how devices behave on your network…the list is extensive. This data is provided as heat maps, giving us a visual picture of how your current wifi performs, identifies what your wifi issues are, and how we can best overcome them.
At Blue Sky Systems, we always use a Wireless Site Survey when deploying a Wireless Network for a client. We firstly use it to help model the building and optimise the Wi-Fi deployment. Then we re-run all of the diagnostics post-install to check that everything meets our client’s requirements.
You don’t need to be an existing client of ours to benefit from this great service – we are happy to come and help diagnose Wi-Fi issues using our in-depth knowledge of networking along with a comprehensive site survey.
Get in touch and speak to our team to find out more.