
What's going on in the world of Blue Sky Systems

This is an updated list for 2025 superseding here.

Going into 2025, Broadcom has changed the product lineup again, which we can only imagine is due to feedback from the market. VMware vSphere Essentials Plus is no longer a product and is not purchasable.

The termination of any SKU that is more than a year is still the case for some of the SKU's but now they have multi-year discounts for others.

VMware by Broadcom is only sold in USD. As such, it is now up to the reseller to purchase in USD and convert your desired currency to the customer.


 Product  SKU  MSRP
 VMware vSphere Standard 8  VCF-VSP-STD-8  $50 per core
 VMware vSphere Enterprise Plus 1YR  VCF-VSP-ENT-PLUS-1Y  $150 per core
 VMware vSphere Enterprise Plus - Multiyear  VCF-VSP-ENT-PLUS  $120 per core
 VMware vSphere Foundation 8 1YR  VCF-VSP-FND-8  $190 per core
 VMware vSphere Foundation 8 - Multiyear  VCF-VSP-FND-8  $150 per core
 VMware Cloud Foundation 5  VCF-CLD-FND-5  $350 per core



If you are not sure what is right for you, check out this PDF with a comparison per edition.